Engraved Brass Tags

custom brass tag

Engraved brass tags have a wide range of applications. Some common uses include:

  1. Pet Tags: Brass tags are often used as identification tags for pets. They can be engraved with the pet’s name, owner’s contact information, or any other relevant details.
  2. Key Tags: Engraved brass tags are commonly attached to keys to label and organize them. They can display the corresponding room, object, or any other information for easy identification.
  3. Equipment Identification: Brass tags are used in industries such as manufacturing, construction, and maintenance to identify tools, machinery, and equipment. Engraved tags can include serial numbers, model numbers, or other relevant information.
  4. Nameplates: Brass tags make elegant nameplates for offices, doors, or desks. They can be engraved with names, titles, or company logos, adding a professional touch.
  5. Memorials and Plaques: Engraved brass tags are often used for commemorative purposes, such as memorial plaques or dedication plates. They can be personalized with names, dates, and messages.
  6. Jewelry Tags: Brass tags are also utilized in the jewelry industry as small pendants or charms. They can be engraved with initials, symbols, or short messages.

How to customize engraved brass tags?

1. Laser-engraved brass tags

Laser engraving is a popular method for customizing brass tags due to its numerous advantages.

  1. Precision: Laser engraving provides exceptional precision and detail, allowing for the accurate reproduction of intricate logo designs. The laser can create fine lines, sharp edges, and intricate patterns, resulting in a high-quality and professional-looking logo.
  2. Durability: The laser engraving process creates permanent markings on the brass surface. The engraved logo is highly resistant to fading, wear, and corrosion, ensuring that it remains visible and legible over an extended period. This durability makes laser-engraved logos ideal for long-lasting applications.
  3. Versatility: Laser engraving can accommodate various logo designs, regardless of complexity or size. The laser can engrave logos of different shapes, fonts, and graphic elements, allowing for customization and flexibility. This versatility makes laser engraving suitable for a wide range of industries and applications.
  4. Speed and Efficiency: Laser engraving is a fast and efficient process, capable of engraving logos on brass tags quickly. The automation provided by laser engraving machines allows for a high production rate, making it ideal for large quantities of tags or time-sensitive projects.

2. Etched-engraved brass tags

Etched engraved metal tags refer to metal tags that have been etched with customized designs, text, or markings. Unlike laser engraving, which involves removing material from the surface, etching creates indentations or grooves on the metal surface using chemical or mechanical methods.

Etched engraved metal tags offer several advantages:

  1. Durability: Etched engraving creates permanent markings on the metal surface, ensuring longevity and resistance to fading or wear. The etched design is deeply ingrained in the metal, making it highly durable and capable of withstanding harsh environmental conditions.
  2. Customization: Etched engraved metal tags allow for high levels of customization. You can create intricate designs, detailed text, and even logos or graphics that accurately represent your brand or specific requirements. The flexibility in design makes etched engraving suitable for various applications.
  3. Clarity and Precision: Etched engraving produces sharp and precise markings on metal tags. The process allows for fine details and intricate designs, ensuring clarity and legibility of text and graphics. This is particularly advantageous when dealing with small tags or complex designs.
  4. Contrast: Etched engraved metal tags often exhibit a high contrast between the engraved area and the base metal. The indentation or grooves created during the etching process can be filled with paint or other materials to further enhance the contrast, making the design stand out and improving readability.
etching logo on brass tag

3. Stamped-engraved brass tags

The process of creating stamped engraved brass tags involves using specialized equipment to imprint or engrave the desired information onto the brass surface. Stamping typically involves pressing a pre-made metal stamp onto the brass, leaving an indentation or raised impression of the desired design. The indentation or raised depth can be controlled.

Stamped brass tags can be produced quickly and in large quantities. The stamping process allows for the fast and efficient creation of tags, making them suitable for bulk orders or time-sensitive projects.

Compared to etched brass tags stamped brass tags are generally more cost-effective. The stamping process requires less time and labor, resulting in lower production costs.

4. Die-casting-engraved brass tags

Die-casting engraved brass tags are a type of brass tags that are created using the die-casting process and feature engraved markings. Die casting is a manufacturing method in which molten metal, in this case, brass, is injected into a die or mold under high pressure. The brass solidifies in the shape of the mold, resulting in a precise and detailed tag.

customize die-casting brass tags

Advantages of die-casting engraved brass tags:

  1. High Precision: Die casting allows for the production of highly precise and intricate designs. The engraved markings on the tags can be finely detailed and sharp, creating a visually appealing and professional appearance.
  2. Versatility: Die casting offers versatility in terms of tag design. It can accommodate various shapes, sizes, and customs requirements, allowing for unique and personalized tags.
  3. Efficient Production: Die casting is a highly efficient manufacturing process. Once the molds are created, the production of tags can be carried out at a relatively fast pace, making it suitable for large-scale orders or time-sensitive projects.
  4. Cost-Effective for Large Orders: Die casting can be cost-effective for larger production runs. The upfront cost of creating the molds may be higher, but the per-unit cost decreases as the quantity of tags increases.

In conclusion, lasering, etching, stamping, and die-casting engraved brass tags each have their own advantages. Once you send your requirements to us, we will recommend suitable production craft according to your requirements.


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