What is an epoxy dome?

Epoxy covered coin

An epoxy dome refers to a clear, raised and often rounded coating that is applied to the surface of an object or material. The coating is made of a durable and glossy epoxy resin, which is poured or applied onto the surface of the object, and then cured or hardened to create a smooth, glossy, and three-dimensional effect.

Epoxy domes are often used to enhance the appearance and durability of various items such as stickers, labels, badges, pins, keychains, and other promotional products. They can protect printed designs from damage and fading caused by moisture, scratches, and UV rays. Additionally, they give the item a three-dimensional effect and make it stand out more. Epoxy domes can also provide a professional look and feel to products, making them ideal for branding and marketing purposes.

Overall, epoxy doming is a popular and effective way of adding a layer of protection and visual appeal to various products.


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